Home Delivery

VetSource is the online pharmacy we use to make home treatments more convenient for you! Through VetSource, you can order food, medications, supplements, and preventatives from home. We love this secure, convenient option because all in-hospital product warranties apply to our online store too! That means you can be sure you are getting genuine, effective product for your furry family members.

As veterinary professionals, we always want our patients to receive genuine product that is sold in an ethical way. Many pharmaceutical companies only sell their product through licensed veterinarians. That means that some online suppliers get products that are not genuine, or they get genuine product by illegal means.

We hope our endorsement will help you navigate the vast world of online medication suppliers! If you have any questions about this topic, we are always happy to talk with you! Call us at 248-693-9200, or send us an email at office@lovh.com.